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Seizaemon (青左衛門) is the leader of the tanukis of the Bell Forest (鈴ヶ森, Suzuga-Mori) in Pom Poko.


Seizaemon is a middle aged Tanuki who wears a blue vest open. As a human, he has the appearance of a middle-aged man with grey hair and a cheek mole, and wears a blue T-shirt and grey pants.


He was originally Gonta's enemy, but after learning of the Tama Hills crisis, the two were forced to join forces.

He is more reasonable and adaptable than Gonta and will often counter his rash decision making.

During transformation training, he acts as Gonta's guide through the human world.

After Gonta's death, Seizaemon forgets his Tanuki origins, and joins the humans and goes into real estate, selling off parts of the forest to developers.


  • Chinese letters used for his name appropriately means "Blue left gate" while Saemon or zaemon (左衛門) was a common male name in Japan until Meiji era.
